New Users will not see many changes from the account creation process. Once you've entered your demographic data on the initial registration screen you'll be directed to a page where you can enter your phone number to verify your account. When you enter the phone number and click on "Send the Code," that number will be used as your MFA number. You should receive one code that verifies your MyIR Account, and then receive a second code shortly after which authenticates that number to be used as your MFA phone number upon subsequent logins.
Please note that you won't be able to change this number later. If you ever need to change the phone number used for MFA, you will need to reach out to MyIR Support for assistance.
To contact MyIR Mobile Support, click on the Athena Bot in the bottom right corner, then click on Get Help Now. You also have the option to submit a Support Request here and our team will contact you via email to help.
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